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HELP! Duncan Confusion....

wino red

Jul 18, 2001
I have a LP Studio that I am changing the stock humbuckers on. I know I am getting Seymour Duncans but I am not sure on which combo I should go with.

I play classic rock/blues through a '65 Deluxe Reverb. So which combo will get my tone in that neighborhood? SD '59s, Seth Lovers, Pearly Gates, JB, etc. Which would you put in the neck/bridge?

FYI, I plan on changing to 500K pots/ 0.22 caps at the same time.

Robert Sherman

New member
Jul 23, 2001
I'd go with the 59's if you want to keep a more traditional sound and output. If you want to heat the guitar up a bit, put a custom in the bridge, and a pearly gates in the neck. If you find that the custom is a little more than you bargained for, you can send it to the Seymour Duncan custom shop, and they will swap out the ceramic magnet for an alnico 5, and that will warm it up, and drop the output a little for you. The magnet swap will cost you $20 plus shipping.

Phil M

Active member
Jul 16, 2001

I have one Les Paul with a '59 neck/JB bridge combination and it sounds fine. I'd recommend the '59 bridge too, I used to have one and it screamed. People think of it as a mellower pickup and I guess it is compared to some like the Custom, but it can get nasty with the right amp if you want it to (mine was uncovered which might make a slight difference).

wino red

Jul 18, 2001
Good point Phil. I would like to keep the pups covered with the gold metal cover since my LP has gold hardware. Any idea how much tone I will lose if I cover the SD '59s?

Phil M

Active member
Jul 16, 2001
If you play classic rock/blues through a 65 deluxe, I don't think the covers will bother you. Uncovered, the attack is a little clearer and the high end is enhanced but the difference does not seem THAT great. I play classic rock/blues as well as some heavier stuff too. I have used both covered and uncovered Duncans and I think they sound great both ways.

Someone else will be able to give you a better description of the difference. I know what it is, but I'm not that great at telling someone else what it sounds like!

BTW, if you order new Duncans, make sure you specify that you want them WITH the gold covers, if that's what you want. It's a little more $$$, but you probably don't want to get into "transplanting" covers.


New member
Jul 17, 2001
I have used a bunch of different humbuckers (EXCEPT real, late 50's PAF's...sorry, too poor) and I gotta say my favorite combo is a Seth neck and a Pearly Gates bridge. Great traditional sound and feel, especially if you like a SLIGHTLY hotter bridge pickup and a nice mellow, but still powerful neck pu. They sound great running both at the same time too, just a slight tele-like twang too the top end but not harsh at all. I use that guitar for everything from clean, clear sounds up to a Boogie Rec running full metal tilt and it sounds great. Both pickups have covers on, by the way.

ALL the other pickups mentioned in the other posts above are just as good. This is just MY all around favorite combo (so far..all things change). Play other guitars with different pickps through your amp to get a feel for what they do. The only way to really tell is to dump them in your guitar and play them for a few days. If you bought good pickups like Duncans or Fralins, you'll at least be able to sell them on eBay if you end up not digging them.

Phil M

Active member
Jul 16, 2001
Good points, Humbuck

Another issue to consider is if you get Duncans, you get 21 days to return them if they don't work out for you and get a different set.

wino red

Jul 18, 2001
Any problem with the Seth Lovers as far as microphonic feedback or squealing? The Pearly Gates was not too harsh?


New member
Jul 17, 2001
No problem on the Seth as far as feedback BUT I don't really use the neck position much when I'm running high gain and loud except for leads. As far as classic rock settings/less gain, I've had no problem with feedback. I run a set of Antiquites in another LP and I find that they don't feedback too bad either and I use those at high gain settings too. If you are running a high gain rig all the time you'd probably be better off with a full potted set though...less problems. I've had no problems and I play mega loud with mega gain at rehersal.

The Pearly Gates is not a harsh pickup at all. Very smooth and creamy just with a little more balls when you push it. Sounds very pretty and clean when you want it too. It pretty much sounds like the Antiquites, just with a little more sensitivity and little more ablity to cut loose when it's pushed. I'm talking small amounts here. It's really a clone of a hotter PAF's that has been potted to reduce feedback IMHO. It also gets a cool sweet/mean/hollow blues sound too. Not a super high output/distortion type pickup at all. I've never played a better pickup.

wino red

Jul 18, 2001
Thank you for all the tips guys. I just ordered two SD '59s with gold covers from Guitar Heaven. I figured it was a safe bet based on the traditional/versatile sound that I am looking for.

I should have them by mid week of next week. I'll let you know how they sound. Thanks again.