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Nylon or Bone Nut


Active member
Dec 20, 2004
6/6 nylon is always like 6/6 nylon. But bone is quite different. A vendor and luthier said you should look for unbleached camel bone, more slippery than the whiter bleached ones.

Big Al

Well-known member
Apr 24, 2002
I prefer quality bone. Properly cut and polished. It is best, by far. I don't know anyone who replaces Martin bone nuts with nylon. I did replace many nylon nuts, [and adjustable bridge], for customers, on Gibson acoustics as well as electrics.

IMO, nylon is not a tone enhancer. Only a correct spec vintage part.


New member
Feb 20, 2002
Per my previous thread and Sol's, I have noticed marked improvement in tuning stability with the "G" string. I still love how it rings out acoustically and sustains a bit more.

I'm really liking what I once regarded as a "poor man's LP" far better than more expensive guitars now. I wouldn't put it up against anything from the Custom Shop or a boutique axe, but I would consider a great "working axe" with the improved electronics and the bone nut now.

A buddy of mine has a mid-90s SG that won't stay in tune at all, breaks strings frequently and is seriously considering the switch to a bone nut as well via the shop/upgrades that I did to my LPS. It is also his main gigging guitar for his worship band. It's done its duty in stock form and he's fired up about doing the mods but needs to keep it on the down low from the wife. ($$$)

Not Les

New member
Dec 7, 2024
Tusq is a fancy name for nylon.
Graph Tech/ TUSQ is a man-made ivory comprised of a mix of organic polymers (no petroleum or any animal by-products) which are compressed under high pressure and heat. This material was designed to provide a richer and fuller sound by increasing the harmonics in every note you play.
Self lubricating (GRAPHite?)
Nylons are a family of materials called polyamides, made from reacting carbon-based chemicals found in coal and petroleum in a high-pressure, heated environment.
Not the same.