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What’s up with luxe radio for bumblebee caps?

ReWind James

Active member
Mar 11, 2009
Those white Wesco film caps inside plastic bumblebee-looking shells that Gibson first used in the 2000s or so are starting to look pretty appealing, these days.

Remember when everyone hated them?

Some of that hate was probably just because Gibson's marketing stated they were PIO, at first, before they pulled that incorrect text.

Honestly, if they were available today, they would be the most realistic looking (and a sonically decent) option for vintage restorations / replicas.


New member
Jul 23, 2001
It is a shame to see the problem is ongoing. How is Luxe able to supply a mass production facility with enough product, but direct orders a year old are still unfulfilled?


Mar 9, 2022
It is a shame to see the problem is ongoing. How is Luxe able to supply a mass production facility with enough product, but direct orders a year old are still unfulfilled?
Any chance Gibson convinced him to stop sales to independent customers?


Active member
Jun 30, 2022
I see the Bumble Bees and Black Beauty, in stock from BYOGuitar.
Last edited:

ReWind James

Active member
Mar 11, 2009

Either make a great product that stands on its own or make an at least plausible copy of something. ...but don't try to sell a product as a replica and half-ass it, ending up with something that's just a mess.

The aftermarket guitar parts industry needs no more poor attempts at copying something vintage. There's more than enough already. Paint them gray or blue, or green, or black, put the WD (or Jupiter) logo on them, and sell them as "truly excellent capacitors for guitars and audio" (assuming they are) but don't dip some wrong shape and size cap in black enamel, paint some weird looking stripes on it, and call it a "Bumblebee" cap hoping to sucker the inexperienced and unknowing in. It just reflects poorly on the brand.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
Now we will have the ability to make our guitars sound so good and be virtually un-duplicatable!

If UN-DUPLICATABLE is even a word.

What a beatifalicious world we live in!!


Well-known member
Sep 1, 2023
So are the Emerson .22uf bumblebee caps any good?
Any one bought a set ?


Jan 22, 2012

Shipping Delays

We’re behind in shipping out orders and I apologize.

I’ve had a great 20 years making these old parts for everyone, but I’m not making handfuls of capacitors by myself in my little hillside workshop anymore, I’m making thousands of these in a big shop downtown, and my costs have risen to nearly three times what I charge, and brother it’s creating a serious bottleneck. Picture having only 35 cents but needing something that costs a dollar, and then multiply that by a thousand, and then make it happen every single day. Thats a red hot poker in the bum. I’m trying to work my way through this without raising prices, but it is not easy.

On top of that a gang of thieves has targeted my shop. They drove a van straight through the back and ransacked it while I was working late in the front. They didn’t take everything but they’ve been coming back every night trying to get back in. I’ve got to stand guard all night now without nodding off, and then I’ve got to rally in the morning and get back to work on fixing everything and getting production going again. It’s a less than ideal situation. Picture Paul Giamatti trying to fill in for Rambo.

I apologize if I’m not able to respond to all the emails and questions I’m getting, but please rest assured that I am doing nothing but working and I will ship your order as soon as I can.

If you can’t wait, please send me an email with “cancel my order” in the subject line.

Thanks for all the years of fun, and I hope to be shipping on schedule again ASAP.

I've CANCELLED my ORDER early December after no phone contact OR email contact. They have my money and I have NO CAPS. The real man's way to handle this is to at LEAST email me and your other buyers with your intention. Me ... I'm going to my credit card company to look after it.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
So are the Emerson .22uf bumblebee caps any good?
Any one bought a set ?
I have used Emersons before and they sound great.

The only complaint I have is the leads break WAY to easily on them.

ReWind James

Active member
Mar 11, 2009
Great sounding caps are no problem. Almost limitless options for those, both vintage and new.

The real problem is that there are no other correct looking caps for vintage Gibson restorations and replicas.


Aug 29, 2022
Just fyi, I’ve had Gibson send me a few replacement luxe caps for my custom shop. Original set was leaking and pulling the pot resistance down as was the others they sent. One was good but all the rest had very high leakage and messed with the pot resistance. I have an old yellow Jupiter in it now.