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early seymour double creams?????


Les Paul Forum Member
Oct 30, 2001
Hey all just scored a set of early seymour double creams
does anyone know about these how they sound ect...
one has a broken solder joint or wire is broken so it needs
a rewrap or at least part of one..any thoughts on these...


Great 'Double White' North ~ Electronics Specialis
Jul 15, 2001
I'd suggest you just send them to me to check them out, but then EdR would give me a hassle. ;)
I think the SD hums have been fairly consistent in their characteristics for a given model pickup ('59, JB, DCustom, DDistortion) since they first came out sometime in the very late 70's. Their original double creams would have to be from prior to 1985.
Can you clarify what it is you have? Do the metal frame / baseplates have a plain bottom or is there an impressed "Seymour Duncan Pickups" and logo in the frame? Is there a small white sticker with some words or a model code?

Are you able to determine what exactly is the nature of the problem you mentioned? A problem with the interface wiring is not a big deal, but if a rewind of one coil is required that is somewhat more involved something probably best left to an authority to handle.


Les Paul Forum Member
Oct 30, 2001
seymours revisited

Yea they have the plate on bottom that says seymour.
there is a tiny white sitcker in the corner one says b one says n
unfortunalty the bridge is chuufed badly. He tried to pull the black wrapping off and it ruined the wire....:( but Im thinking of sending it to Rolph to redo...These are double creams with the square holes. anyone have Jim Rolphs # ?

Robert Sherman

New member
Jul 23, 2001
You can just as easily send it to Seymour Duncan. They fix about any pup and are very reasonable.
