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Four Uncles ABR-1 bridge just in and...

Jimi's LP

New member
Nov 28, 2023
Hello there to all four uncles abr-1 bridge users I have a problem. I finally purchased this bridge for R9. My guitar tech installed and notched my saddles. Is it suppose to rattle on all the strings until it settles in? Is that normal with these four uncles abr-1 bridges?


Well-known member
Jun 25, 2008
Hello there to all four uncles abr-1 bridge users I have a problem. I finally purchased this bridge for R9. My guitar tech installed and notched my saddles. Is it suppose to rattle on all the strings until it settles in? Is that normal with these four uncles abr-1 bridges?
No. Did your guitar tech say anything about it?

Jimi's LP

New member
Nov 28, 2023
Just spoke to him and he mentioned he didn't here anything. But he also mentioned the instructions said that it will be some rattle from the beginning until it settles in. Is that normal with vintage clones?

Jimi's LP

New member
Nov 28, 2023
If anyone else can shine in on this problem I'm having on this bridge please do so.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2020
Hello there to all four uncles abr-1 bridge users I have a problem. I finally purchased this bridge for R9. My guitar tech installed and notched my saddles. Is it suppose to rattle on all the strings until it settles in? Is that normal with these four uncles abr-1 bridges?

Use licktite. I had the same issue too.

Jimi's LP

New member
Nov 28, 2023
But what about changing new strings still the same gauge and intonation? Wouldn't lock tight keep me from intonation? Or are you talking about every string change?

Jimi's LP

New member
Nov 28, 2023
I'm sorry for the questions my man all I've ever played with a Gibson les paul is the Callaham bridge,Faber bridge and stock with no rattles or buzzes. I'm just disappointed that this expensive four uncles abr-1 bridge is not giving me the satisfaction due to it ugly rattling


Oct 1, 2016
If anyone else can shine in on this problem I'm having on this bridge please do so.
Man, unfortunately that bridge I think is the most overpriced thing you can find like ABR-1 and the product doesn't match the amount of money you spend on it. The original vintage ABR-1s are made from die casting which is a far cry from sand casting which is apparently the technology used by FU. The difference is the shrinkage of the material and the tolerances which in die casting are very precise while in sand casting they are very approximate and this could explain the problems you encounter. If some of the FU have never publicly stated that it is a sand casting I would like them to bring proof of the die casting simply with photos of the die casting molds which would already be something.