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GrassRoots GLP-60S The road to a poor man's burst..


Jan 21, 2021
I thought I'd make a thread documenting my road to a poor man's burst..(warning will be pic heavy)
It started with a $249.00 usd purchase of a 2008 GrassRoots GLP-60S..
I decided to make my own burst with the idea of keeping it under $600 usd completed ..
Sooo our journey starts with binding scraping on an already finished guitar ? I'm super crazy, I know..
With the guitar being sub $600 and from China I expected a thick poly finish and was super hesitant to do the scraping..
If I make a mistake, I wouldn't be able to afford another one, and this is my only guitar..
Sooo I clinched my cheeks and gave it a go, and to my surprise it's an extremely thin finish and it only took 3 gentle passes with a razor blade to get completely through the finish to the binding, and it left almost no ridge... I pressed forward and scraped the rest of the binding,I didn't expect a massive change in appearance, but boy was I wrong!!! The whole guitar just looked better and it began to have a look of craftsmanship to it..
After scraping I did a light buff and you can't even tell that the scraping was done at all ?
As funds allow and I'm able to purchase part's I'll keep this thread updated...
*I've uploaded the pictures in order to show progress*20230923_190528_kindlephoto-67236325.jpg20230923_190934_kindlephoto-67356929.jpg20230925_004107_kindlephoto-157576516.jpg20230925_004100_kindlephoto-157659209.jpg20230925_012134_kindlephoto-157623199.jpg20230925_012055_kindlephoto-157689442.jpg20230925_012112_kindlephoto-157530834.jpg20230925_025306_kindlephoto-157498465.jpg20230925_024332_kindlephoto-157420604.jpg20230925_024310_kindlephoto-158773638.jpg


Jan 21, 2021
It's been awhile since I've updated this post.. So here goes..
I've since added a full 59 plastic set, kluson aluminum stop bar in nickel, rough cast alnico magnets to the pickups as well as a nickel cover to the neck pu and I put maple spacers in the neck pickup as well as changed the pole pieces on both pickups..
I've also added an epiphone lok tone bridge in nickel, and took some pictures in natural lighting to better show the finish and top carve..
There's still alot a work ahead, I plan on throwing a new kluson abr1 with brass saddles and conversion posts, cts pots and orange drops and a 59 style trc on it..
I'm currently sitting at under $400 with everything as I had the bridge and some pickup parts lying around already..
I'm going to black out the headstock with no logo..
It's a keeper! It does everything I need it to...20240316_071133_kindlephoto-12324757.jpg20240316_071158_kindlephoto-12267681.jpg20240316_071322_kindlephoto-12152921.jpg20240316_071352_kindlephoto-12221650.jpg