Under the advisement of legal counsel - due to liability issues, sharing of copyrighted materials without appropriate permissions and licensing is strictly prohibited on the Les Paul Forum. This includes uploading of mp3s to the Tone Zone and the JamZone, as well as linking to files located on other sites.
Henceforth, any mp3s of or links to copyrighted materials will be deleted without notice.
Thanks guys. This is a whole new territory we are pioneering - and this issue will be a deciding factor in our success or failure. Compliance with these restrictions will go far to insure the success of the LPF JamZone.
Henceforth, any mp3s of or links to copyrighted materials will be deleted without notice.
Thanks guys. This is a whole new territory we are pioneering - and this issue will be a deciding factor in our success or failure. Compliance with these restrictions will go far to insure the success of the LPF JamZone.