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The ULTIMATE upgrade.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2005

To the colleagues, peers, clients, and friends he has let down, he is truly sorry.​

To the ones (and we know who you are) that have reached out, he takes full responsibility for disappearing, but we think of you often and are thankful for your friendship.​

I don't have a dog in this fight; however, my thoughts...

You speak of business experience and cast aspersions on poor taste.

So, this missive can be written now, but something as basic as getting a customer list and sending out a mass email describing the issues facing him and the business was not possible, with a request for patience?

Incredulous, I am.

No meant to excoriate but given all the travails, there's no one to help perform basic communications? 'Every day you watched...' and did what, exactly?!

If you are sitting on people's money, no matter what the circumstances, you have an advantage in the transaction dance and owe it to either perform or refund. That's business. Otherwise, you are in the wrong.

I fully appreciate being in a hole. I've been down many times. Started negative and built myself back net positive. A person stands up, even at the detriment to their personal lives. [Maybe a bit less connubial bliss o' perfection?]

The first thing to do is realize, and stop digging.

The next, COMMUNICATE. Ask for help.

If you don't get help, then at least you are spreading awareness. NEGOTIATE, and plan your extrication. The good people here would have waited, been satisfied. They then turn into net promoters, and positive influencers: "It's worth the wait, be patient. He'll take care of you, he's a little behind but personally invested in delivering the BEST!"

But no.

"We take full responsibility for dropping the ball." How so, exactly? This cannot be stated. This can only be demonstrated via action. Are refunds or fulfillment imminent?

The very fact that 'he who has held an account since 2002' can't come on for a single post to spread the word, or DM a few customers here to help spread the word, then goes silent until you as his mouthpiece emerges to elicit sympathy screams something is amiss.

Now, folks should run. Unless he can offer them a path for execution that rewards patience. Let's look at the reality. He has their money, the odds are they cannot get it back, through whatever mechanism. He still has talent and skills and can start again, by obfuscating his persona to avoid the reputational risk and start anew. Or, he can step forward and deliver, no matter the cost. Maybe he needs to 'get a real job' and deliver 1 order per night, and regain his standing. The Road is Long and Winding.

Perhaps he needs a restart all around, and maybe some better components?

My best to him, in his personal life.

God bless. Live Free or Die.
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Arnold M.

in this situation forgiveness seems to be a two-way street, I think this message should have at least made mention of retribution to all customers who lost money .. ???


Jan 30, 2022
We all go through hard times, financial and family member deaths. We are not heartless

But to continue to accept money from sales when you are behind and just not communicate it’s very dishonest and disgusting IMO

Especially when people reach out to you and say they understand.

I sent several messages saying and asking if he needed more time and wishing him well.

Everything was ignored. Take it as you will, but a lot of us have seen this story here and on other sites before. People assume saying sorry will fix everything without trying to actually fix any of their past wrong doing.


Jan 30, 2022
Before anyone thinks I am being overly harsh, I was deployed, as usual, when Tyler and I spoke

He was aware that I was purchasing several items for my daughter and myself, music is one of our bonds.
They were upgrades for our guitars. We do projects together whenever I come home.

Tyler took my money and then just disappeared. Communicated daily with me, several times, answering questions and geeking out. But as soon as he had my money, just disappeared

That’s my simple story


Active member
Mar 15, 2008
Another joker that joins the ever growing list of charlatans and frauds found on guitar boards like LPF and MLP.

Say hey to Will Boggs for me.


New member
Nov 3, 2022
Thank you for your honest Feedback.
Before I continue, allow me to put in my mouthpiece. Apparently, I cannot make excuses without it.
I have simply posted 1 message.
Please highlight in the text and kindly bring to my attention where it was mentioned that ANY action would not follow.
Do the buyers who were, for lack of better words thieved, demand the right to speak frankly without a filter? Yes
I wanted this. I wanted to hear from them.

With that said.
Mr. jb_abides,
Once again I would like to extend my “thank you” to you for your lucid coaching.
Apparently, I need to make it clear that I am good for more than simply verbally sucking d*ck.
Opinions are like a**holes, and everyone has one.

The simple fact of the matter that validation is essential here is not lost on me.
But was I even given the chance to engage with you (the scorned client) to make things right before it was assumed that no action would follow?
Now with that said - if my initial attempt to open a line of communication triggered any of you negatively, please bear in mind that I was addressing the room as a whole while noting and making it clear that X, Y, and Z Prospects all had separate, difficult, infuriating, or otherwise a past pleasant buyer’s experience.

Now the name “Tyler” may currently leave a bad taste in your mouth, but to simply assume that I am here to offer you my bosom to siphon from while I rock you to sleep because there is nothing else I can provide you with other than a “whoops! looks like we goofed” Dear John business letter, you are more than welcome to disregard my reply.
I came into this room apologetically and with deep consideration.

To those that have unfinished business, I absolutely welcome you to send me a message.
To those of you that would like to continue with the name-calling, maybe this is where you peek.
I don’t know.

Again, and for what it is worth.
Thank you for your time.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2003
Thank you for your honest Feedback.
Before I continue, allow me to put in my mouthpiece. Apparently, I cannot make excuses without it.
I have simply posted 1 message.
Please highlight in the text and kindly bring to my attention where it was mentioned that ANY action would not follow.
Do the buyers who were, for lack of better words thieved, demand the right to speak frankly without a filter? Yes
I wanted this. I wanted to hear from them.

With that said.
Mr. jb_abides,
Once again I would like to extend my “thank you” to you for your lucid coaching.
Apparently, I need to make it clear that I am good for more than simply verbally sucking d*ck.
Opinions are like a**holes, and everyone has one.

The simple fact of the matter that validation is essential here is not lost on me.
But was I even given the chance to engage with you (the scorned client) to make things right before it was assumed that no action would follow?
Now with that said - if my initial attempt to open a line of communication triggered any of you negatively, please bear in mind that I was addressing the room as a whole while noting and making it clear that X, Y, and Z Prospects all had separate, difficult, infuriating, or otherwise a past pleasant buyer’s experience.

Now the name “Tyler” may currently leave a bad taste in your mouth, but to simply assume that I am here to offer you my bosom to siphon from while I rock you to sleep because there is nothing else I can provide you with other than a “whoops! looks like we goofed” Dear John business letter, you are more than welcome to disregard my reply.
I came into this room apologetically and with deep consideration.

To those that have unfinished business, I absolutely welcome you to send me a message.
To those of you that would like to continue with the name-calling, maybe this is where you peek.
I don’t know.

Again, and for what it is worth.
Thank you for your time.
Melissa is TYLER …….just stop


New member
Nov 3, 2022
Do I look like a Tyler? I honestly just do not know which of you to address individually, but I know you are here.


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Well-known member
Apr 6, 2005
But was I even given the chance to engage with you (the scorned client) to make things right before it was assumed that no action would follow?

You can ad hominem me for what I offer, fine.


Yet continue to ignore the basis, thesis and the recommendation I proffered.

Reality and perception no matter how you acknowledge it... you entered the forum with built-in bias: you and Tyler are bound. Such is your identity, intent, and 'side' (or tribe).

Here, you are effectively ONE; in more negative light, you enter perceived as one who SHIELDS by excuse one who has done WRONG. You are acting as his mouthpiece, while he remains absent. As such, immediately suspect.

If Tyler can't or is unwilling to make a post, write an email, offer a more sincere and direct manner of apology, why would anyone be willing to trust what follows, let alone enter into business transactions..?

This is not an attack, merely an explanatory description of perception.

"Please highlight in the text and kindly bring to my attention where it was mentioned that ANY action would not follow."

I, for one, did not state ZERO action will follow. To the contrary, I recommend continued action is required for restoration from said DUG HOLE, thru to neutral, then forward to POSITIVE. Net Promoter Score.

Again, not an attack... an appraisal [optimally would have been a self-appraisal prior to first post]: you realized things were amiss early in conversations with Tyler, and did... What? Helped how?

Some easy, basic communication did not happen, period. It didn't come from Tyler, it didn't come from you. Easy was not done. Why not?

Again, this is not an attack. It's unassailable logic which you both must contend with and work thru longstanding perceptions required for any restoration of repetitional legitimacy.

My point was (and remains) -- You came with apologies and to request consideration with perceived bias, knowingly set against such bias, with no plan of ACTION, after so much time had elapsed. This is fallow as a token of consideration. In other words EMPTY PROMISES. I am not trying to be mean, only to elucidate perception of standing, after following this thread.

Had your initial post come with a PLAN OF ACTION, that would have engendered credibility, perhaps sympathy.

Had your initial post come after EXECUTION of said plan of action [returned some of the monies, delivered an increment of the backlog, or outreach to the most aggrieved clients, having worked with them on an individual basis such that they have understanding or an ability testify to the enterprise's good intent], that would have gone further. That would have been, well, not optimal, but at least trending positive.

Those are just benchmark, 101 things which should have preceded such an effusive first post in the wake of downtrodden expectations by those who gave more and lost trust.

Please re-read what I quoted from you in my post, what you said. This was done with specific intent. How does one demonstrate sorrow? How does one accept full responsibility? How does one express thanks? How does one act in friendship?

OK. While I bloviate about, feel free to pillory my feedback, ignore my recommendations, feel however you need to feel. Others here can point out where I have erred, I stand open to criticism. I live in my world with kindness, honor and gratitude, where a man stands up.

My overarching point: Where trust is lost, action must precede words.

I leave it to @ajtonly1 to summarize:

"People assume saying sorry will fix everything without trying to actually fix any of their past wrong doing."

@ajtonly1, thanks for your service. And while we all lose money to hucksters, I am sorry this impacted your father-daughter relationship, which is hard to maintain and foster given your circumstances...
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Jan 30, 2022
Thank you for your honest Feedback.
Before I continue, allow me to put in my mouthpiece. Apparently, I cannot make excuses without it.
I have simply posted 1 message.
Please highlight in the text and kindly bring to my attention where it was mentioned that ANY action would not follow.
Do the buyers who were, for lack of better words thieved, demand the right to speak frankly without a filter? Yes
I wanted this. I wanted to hear from them.

With that said.
Mr. jb_abides,
Once again I would like to extend my “thank you” to you for your lucid coaching.
Apparently, I need to make it clear that I am good for more than simply verbally sucking d*ck.
Opinions are like a**holes, and everyone has one.

The simple fact of the matter that validation is essential here is not lost on me.
But was I even given the chance to engage with you (the scorned client) to make things right before it was assumed that no action would follow?
Now with that said - if my initial attempt to open a line of communication triggered any of you negatively, please bear in mind that I was addressing the room as a whole while noting and making it clear that X, Y, and Z Prospects all had separate, difficult, infuriating, or otherwise a past pleasant buyer’s experience.

Now the name “Tyler” may currently leave a bad taste in your mouth, but to simply assume that I am here to offer you my bosom to siphon from while I rock you to sleep because there is nothing else I can provide you with other than a “whoops! looks like we goofed” Dear John business letter, you are more than welcome to disregard my reply.
I came into this room apologetically and with deep consideration.

To those that have unfinished business, I absolutely welcome you to send me a message.
To those of you that would like to continue with the name-calling, maybe this is where you peek.
I don’t know.

Again, and for what it is worth.
Thank you for your time.
This is my last post on this

My opinion, if he wants to make it right her will. He knows who he has wronged and not replied to. He has a liste through here, Reverb, and eBay.

If a person wants to make things right they will. By saying people should contact him to resolve their issues, many of us did. Again, his dealings were dubious. I say this again because he knowingly accepted money from individuals knowing full well he had no intention with delivering anything.

Especially in my situation, I was away from home for a year, and it was a plan to bond with my daughter as we often do.

Your Tyler is not someone I have faith in
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New member
Nov 3, 2022
You can ad hominem me for what I offer, fine.

View attachment 20035

Yet continue ignore the basis, thesis and the recommendation I proffered.

Reality and perception no matter how you acknowledge it... you entered the forum with built-in bias: you and Tyler are bound. Such is your identity, intent, and 'side' (or tribe).

Here, you are effectively ONE; in more negative light, you enter perceived as one who SHIELDS by excuse one who has done WRONG. You are acting as his mouthpiece, while he remains absent. As such, immediately suspect.

If Tyler can't or is unwilling to make a post, write an email, offer a more sincere and direct manner of apology, why would anyone be willing to trust what follows, let alone enter into business transactions..?

This is not an attack, merely an explanatory description of perception.

"Please highlight in the text and kindly bring to my attention where it was mentioned that ANY action would not follow."

I, for one, did not state ZERO action will follow. To the contrary, I recommend continued action is required for restoration from said DUG HOLE, thru to neutral, then forward to POSITIVE. Net Promoter Score.

Again, not an attack... an appraisal [optimally would have been a self-appraisal prior to first post]: you realized things were amiss early in conversations with Tyler, and did... What? Helped how?

Some easy, basic communication did not happen, period. It didn't come from Tyler, it didn't come from you. Easy was not done. Why not?

Again, this is not an attack. It's unassailable logic which you both must contend with and work thru longstanding perceptions required for any restoration of repetitional legitimacy.

My point was (and remains) -- You came with apologies and to request consideration with perceived bias, knowingly set against such bias, with no plan of ACTION, after so much time had elapsed. This is fallow as a token of consideration. In other words EMPTY PROMISES. I am not trying to be mean, only to elucidate perception of standing, after following this thread.

Had your initial post came with a PLAN OF ACTION, that would have engendered credibility, perhaps sympathy.

Had you initial post came after EXECUTION of said plan of action [returned some of the monies, delivered an increment of the backlog, or outreach to the most aggrieved clients, having worked with them on an individual basis such that they have understanding or an ability testify to the enterprise's good intent], that would have gone further. That would have been, well, not optimal, but at least trending positive.

Those are just benchmark, 101 things which should have preceded such an effusive first post in the wake of downtrodden expectations by those who gave more and lost trust.

Please re-read what I quoted from you in my post, what you said. This was done with specific intent. How does one demonstrate sorrow? How does one accept full responsibility? How does one express thanks? How does one act in friendship?

OK. While I bloviate about, feel free to pillory my feedback, ignore my recommendations, feel however you need to feel. Others here can point out where I have erred, I stand open to criticism. I live in my world with kindness, honor and gratitude, where a man stands up.

My overarching point: Where trust is lost, action must precede words.

I leave it to @ajtonly1 to summarize:

"People assume saying sorry will fix everything without trying to actually fix any of their past wrong doing."

@ajtonly1, thanks for your service. And while we all lose money to hucksters, I am sorry this impacted your father-daughter relationship, which is hard to maintain and foster given your circumstances...
Dear Sir,

Noted and 100% well received.
I absolutely take no offense to your above words.
Speaking on behalf of the Seller may not have been the best way to streamline communication and I know that it is not me that anyone wants to engage with.

I am simply another layer of doubt piled onto existing layers. This has been made vehemently clear.
It is not my action you seek.

Thank you.


Active member
May 26, 2016
Dear Sir,

Noted and 100% well received.
I absolutely take no offense to your above words.
Speaking on behalf of the Seller may not have been the best way to streamline communication and I know that it is not me that anyone wants to engage with.

I am simply another layer of doubt piled onto existing layers. This has been made vehemently clear.
It is not my action you seek.

Thank you.
Did Tyler lose his tongue and teeth through his misadventures of life?,.... Did Tyler lose his fingers and suffered brain damage while working in a frozen attic?

If you truly want to help Tyler or the folks who have taken a loss because of his poor business skills or circumstances that crippled his best efforts, I suggest you speak loudly at him to get off his ass and take responsibility for his lack of action and take action to return the money he took from unsuspecting customers.

Then you can apologize.
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Thank you for your honest Feedback.
Before I continue, allow me to put in my mouthpiece. Apparently, I cannot make excuses without it.
I have simply posted 1 message.
Please highlight in the text and kindly bring to my attention where it was mentioned that ANY action would not follow.
Do the buyers who were, for lack of better words thieved, demand the right to speak frankly without a filter? Yes
I wanted this. I wanted to hear from them.

With that said.
Mr. jb_abides,
Once again I would like to extend my “thank you” to you for your lucid coaching.
Apparently, I need to make it clear that I am good for more than simply verbally sucking d*ck.
Opinions are like a**holes, and everyone has one.

The simple fact of the matter that validation is essential here is not lost on me.
But was I even given the chance to engage with you (the scorned client) to make things right before it was assumed that no action would follow?
Now with that said - if my initial attempt to open a line of communication triggered any of you negatively, please bear in mind that I was addressing the room as a whole while noting and making it clear that X, Y, and Z Prospects all had separate, difficult, infuriating, or otherwise a past pleasant buyer’s experience.

Now the name “Tyler” may currently leave a bad taste in your mouth, but to simply assume that I am here to offer you my bosom to siphon from while I rock you to sleep because there is nothing else I can provide you with other than a “whoops! looks like we goofed” Dear John business letter, you are more than welcome to disregard my reply.
I came into this room apologetically and with deep consideration.

To those that have unfinished business, I absolutely welcome you to send me a message.
To those of you that would like to continue with the name-calling, maybe this is where you peek.
I don’t know.

Again, and for what it is worth.
Thank you for your time.
bought from him? But opted not to. Thank god cause he’s a total piece of shit!

You come here to defend his actions without stating a single possible action to mitigate his wrong doing. So what exactly is your point? That’s basically like you get robbed by a thug and his best friend comes and says he’s sorry for his best friends actions. But you make no attempt to get your best friend to give the money back. So in essence? You’re a thief as well. Period.

Until concrete evidence is provided preferably from Tyler himself mitigating ALL of his wrong doings? There’s absolutely no point in you coming here for anything! Nothing!


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2015
Again, it's 2022. Don't you guys realize criminals have more rights than those who are honorable? "Come on, Man!"