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Who knows Virgil Arlo?


Dec 30, 2016
Oh man, there for a second before all the editing went on I thought we might get a real address for a physical location. Maybe even one that wasn't a third party, dude had to do some conditional backpedaling though, dang.


Oh man, there for a second before all the editing went on I thought we might get a real address for a physical location. Maybe even one that wasn't a third party, dude had to do some conditional backpedaling though, dang.

Receipt is posted, is that your way of an apology ?

it is what it is.....and that the receipt VA puts out.

just admit it, you sir have been now proven wrong.....that simple

just weak.......real weak. it is your speculation that has made you look the fool, I have to prove I a customer? paranoid comes to mind.....

who is next? I am here all Moring.
I am still waiting for a proper apology ...........
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Your re-size avatar makes it completely unreadable.

not buying your moving goal post....posting it supersize will not be enough for your paranoid delusions.
I get it. funny I can read it fine ...VA PICKUPS, thank you for your purchase......I have to read to you now?
comical. in sad way....

yet still waiting on a PROPER apology ........



Dec 30, 2016
After you did some more editing, we still can't see the return address. In case there was a problem with the order some info like a real place to send it back to would be super.

On top of that i'm not so sure your just a regular guy that likes VA stuff. The cool part is where you show up for one day on other gear sites, talk a bunch of smack about anyone that doesn't have glowing reviews about VA p/ups, then vanish to never come back under that name after only posting about pickups.

Photos this size are easy to see and clearly legible. Got any like this with a real return address?


I have not speculated on anything, not once, you have, WHY?

I would never give out my address nor would you...and you know that.

thus the moving goal post, I get it......way ahead of you.

If you like or dislike VA pickups is NOT the issue, Everyone differs, its the speculation, that crosses the line.....add the questioning of me, a simple customer , who likes VA pickups....
pound sand buddy, pound sand. I don't owe you jack.....so pound sand. my address ? you freaking kidding me.....a simple apology would have you looking much less foolish...
some just can't be wrong.....I get it.

its flat out paranoid thinking, a lack of even wanting to send a simple e-mail that could answer your question's
I have no idea what the would tell you, they answered all my questions, asking the source is clearly lacking here. and speculation wildly out of control.
I would do the same for don mare, or any other pickup maker that was getting thrown under a buss with pure speculation and flawed thinking.
If I had bad experiences with someone's product post em as well, I have trashed a mic capsule maker online, not with speculation, I used bode plots, the capsules sucked. same
user name at goupDIY.....

I am finished with you and your paranoid thinking, why is it you are twisting my words now into things I have NOT said?

Is this about not being able to afford something? not being able to wait for something? or a drug problem? are you the shill? ask yourself this, cuz IDC...

baffled why I have been attacked as a shill, clearly have spoken about not only VA but other high end pafs as well. like holms .... so how does that work? is doesn't....another epic fail of your thinking skills

your paranoid, and have a problem, its not my problem......its yours.

post your address ......lets see it pal. I know you will not do this, no sane person would. nor will I.

you are talking smack not only about pickups you do not use, and manufacturer you refused to even contact, and are now also attacking a customer?

cant make this stuff up folks.

my experience with VA pickups, you order them, and get <----that receipt, may not be a receipt good enough for the paranoid, but it worked for me. you get your pick ups in two months, as stated, they answered all my e-mails, and we did have some back ad forth.

if half of what is speculated about In this thread were remotely true, credit card company's, and complains by actual customers would have VA shut down, yet that is not the case, people like VA pickups who own them, please show me a bad review, could it be they are just flat out good pafs? I do think so. I am not alone in this.
please show one person who did not receive them, time to back up the wild claims made here....

one must ask why people are trying to spread false information based on pure speculation, and what motivates them to do so......and top it off with attacking customers? why?

If you now need VAs address call em and ask.....simple. not my job to do this for you. your goal post moved yet again and its duly noted...

still waiting on a PROPER apology ...........
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Dec 30, 2016
The goal post has never moved, and I never asked for your address in any post.

Same as in every post above I was just hoping we would get to see Virgil Arlo's address. What's the big deal about that, pretty much every business in the whole country will tell anyone what that is. A real receipt will have it for various and necessary purposes, all you posted was some cyberspace screengrab with zero info.

If I ordered a p/up and it came 4 wire instead of 2, it doesn't make anyone paranoid to want to know where it could be mailed for exchange.


dude ask VA, why are you asking me?

I do not make the receipt, or approve it or what ever Is stuck in your head????.......you have issues dude.
that is what they in fact send. your claiming otherwise is false,. and in fact a flat out lie.

you have receipt issues over my purchase receipt???, take It up with VA, not me.
you are just getting truly silly now.
as I have stated, I have no problem with the receipt, and I am the one who paid, not you!
what ever issue you dream up is your problem, not mine.
spend time fixing your issues. I will not do this for you.

yes you did change what you asked for, my address, VA's address, larger pics, don't like the receipt, fake receipt.......... that is classic "move the goalpost. "

geez guy move on would ya, the crow in mouth....just looks bad.

and apogees are in fact in order here, from you to me......still wanting.

the more you cling to false statements, and insist on making yet even more,
the more and more foolish you make yourself look.

and that's on you.

prove that that IS NOT a VA receipt, should be pretty easy to do ....If it were even remotely true.


I am off the ropes now and you need to back up what is claimed, a bad VA review from one person should not be hard to find, or even one person who paid and never received them.

time for you to prove the lies you are telling.

I am waiting.

this whole thread pisses me off to no end, filled with lies, speculating, slander, what ever happened to integrity? many in this post should be ashamed of what they said.
regardless of what Is motivating them to do so.

same exact people In this thread did this same thing to stephens pickups awhile back, I find that telling. a lawyer would have a field day with all this.

moderators should take note of this.

The goal post has never moved, and I never asked for your address in any post.

Same as in every post above I was just hoping we would get to see Virgil Arlo's address. What's the big deal about that, pretty much every business in the whole country will tell anyone what that is. A real receipt will have it for various and necessary purposes, all you posted was some cyberspace screengrab with zero info.

If I ordered a p/up and it came 4 wire instead of 2, it doesn't make anyone paranoid to want to know where it could be mailed for exchange.
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New member
Apr 5, 2015
As commerce law clearly estates, a receipt to be valid must provide:
Name, address, zip code and VAT number, date of purchase, description of the purchased article and what kind of payment what's used to close the transaction. What you've provided has none of that info. Plus you posted an 45x80 pixel image, so it'll be impossible to read ON PURPOSE.

You can produce such a looking image with any word processor.

So, you don't have any reason to thump your chest, King Kong. ;)

Because if you actually did purchase something, you just can't deduct it with such document.

I think I deserve an apology from you, as you just insulted my intelligence in thinking that I could fall for such a ill-conceived trick.

And all this fake outrage and the conceiling of the necessary info required by law, only reinforces the consensus of the fraudulent nature of the Virgil Arlo/Tone Specific ring of deception.

Shill AND accomplice. Be careful about your house of cards... ;)
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
dude ask VA, why are you asking me? ...

and apogees are in fact in order here, from you to me......still wanting.


Don't we ALL want the highest point on the curve when searching for pickups? I will look for recordings of said fabled pickups.

Ah Ha! They DO sound pretty decent, listen through.
Not nuts about his PAFS though (sound like the Lollars I took out of several Collings guitars, not my cup of Navan) . Or really the Strats. But I like the Teles!

I also don't know why it would take anyone 2 months to make a pickup unless he gnaws the spindles out of a block of Butyrate with his teefs. I don't know if butyrate is good for you either. Has California passed judgement on it yet? Probably. He should stop that now and just buy the damn things from Stewey! He might live longer! Virgil! STOP IT! Maybe he winds them by hand also. One (puts a slash in the notebook), Two (puts a slash in the notebook), Three (starts putting a slash in the notebook and the cat grabs the wire). Rips out page from the notebook wads it up and throws it on the floor for the cat to play with but the dog grabs it and swallows it. He starts AGAIN!
[FONT=&quot]One (puts a slash in the notebook), Two...[/FONT]



Nov 18, 2015
Ho. Lee. Sh. It. Screw VA. Get on Alex’s wait list for a set Wizz or Throbak. I saw these intrusive YouTube VA pickup ads with the moving screenshot within the shot itself and thought, “That’s spurious camera work.” Like when you watch old SNL music videos that are cockeyed to avoid copywrite infringement. Horsesit. And then I saw Alan Hinds McDouchebag. I have primary sources that say he’s a pretentious prick and using him for Virgil, Xotic, Jackson Ampworks, et. al., is not a good choice as a surrogate to increase your sales. If they weren’t on the Doug and Pat show, they’re suspect.

And this clown-shoe who keeps arguing the hard sell should be banned. Maybe chipss36 is a Russian bot? Eat a Bag ‘o VA


#1 pound sand

and prove that is not my receipt.....

it in fact is.
again pound sand!

slander will get you, once you cross the wrong path bud, once the subpoenas start flying, you gonna end up cryin.

vat number? California nor texas or anyplace in the USA have vat..... wrong part of the world pal.....wrong country's laws. wrong words used.. epic fail to sound smart.

try "uniform commercial code", study ....get back to me....and
again pound sand.

As commerce law clearly estates, a receipt to be valid must provide:
Name, address, zip code and VAT number, date of purchase, description of the purchased article and what kind of payment what's used to close the transaction. What you've provided has none of that info.

You can produce such a looking image with any word processor.

So, you don't have any reason to thump your chest, King Kong. ;)

Because if you actually did purchase something, you just can't deduct it with such document.

I think I deserve an apology from you, as you just insulted my intelligence in thinking that I could fall for such a ill-conceived trick.

And all this fake outrage and the conceiling of the necessary info required by law, only reinforces the consensus of the fraudulent nature of the VA/TS Ring of deception.

Shill AND accomplice. Be careful about your house of cards... ;)
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how many pickups have you made? how many in use by session players?

you don't like the tone , thats one thing, slander is another.

big difference.

is it a race to build a great paf? You sound like a very impatient person, custom work takes time, at top levels, be it pickups, mic capsules, or hot rod head porting, many understand this, some clearly do not.

dont like em don’t buy em, simple.

Don't we ALL want the highest point on the curve when searching for pickups? I will look for recordings of said fabled pickups.

Ah Ha! They DO sound pretty decent, listen through.
Not nuts about his PAFS though (sound like the Lollars I took out of several Collings guitars, not my cup of Navan) .Or really the Strats. But I like the Teles!

I also don't know why it would take anyone 2 months to make a pickup unless he gnaws the spindles out of a block of Butyrate with his teefs. I don't know if butyrate is good for you either. Has California passed judgement on it yet? Probably. He should stop that now and just buy the damn things from Stewey! He might live longer! Virgil! STOP IT! Maybe he winds them by hand also. One (puts a slash in the notebook), Two (puts a slash in the notebook), Three (starts putting a slash in the notebook and the cat grabs the wire). Rips out page from the notebook wads it up and throws it on the floor for the cat to play with but the dog grabs it and swallows it. He starts AGAIN!
One (puts a slash in the notebook), Two...

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a bot? no a VA customer is it that hard to believe?

Ho. Lee. Sh. It. Screw VA. Get on Alex’s wait list for a set Wizz or Throbak. I saw these intrusive YouTube VA pickup ads with the moving screenshot within the shot itself and thought, “That’s spurious camera work.” Like when you watch old SNL music videos that are cockeyed to avoid copywrite infringement. Horsesit. And then I saw Alan Hinds McDouchebag. I have primary sources that say he’s a pretentious prick and using him for Virgil, Xotic, Jackson Ampworks, et. al., is not a good choice as a surrogate to increase your sales. If they weren’t on the Doug and Pat show, they’re suspect.

And this clown-shoe who keeps arguing the hard sell should be banned. Maybe chipss36 is a Russian bot? Eat a Bag ‘o VA


Not hard, just impossible! ;)

I can't wait for the "subpoenas" to arrive! ;)

sure liked your epic fail to try and sound smart.......with all the wrong words, wrong country, epic fail.....muhaaha you got busted, and discredited yourself, with your own words, yet again.

tell me more about VAT in Texas? Muahahaha

did not want to quote that one ? More lies, integrity is not something you even remotely care about is it? I dispise people who lie constantly, and your lies fill this whole thread.
you should be ashamed of yourself, you are clearly not versed in US law at all. Not even close, and clearly just making stuff up. Try that with some other fool, I know better pal.

Thinking this his lie would fly is truly an insult. Very poor half hearted lie at that.
How long has acting smart while having no clue worked for you?
You got called out today, commerce law? Did you just make that word up or what ? Pathetic.....never have I seen such eating of crow, and coming back for more, you are out of your league with me.
why did you do the same with Stephens pick ups? Same line of attack, same fake law talk that is all wrong on every level.
Never used Stephens, but did know reading your very words , you sir are full of bs, I just wonder why? You seem to have issues with high end paf winders, and in a slanderous way, what’s up with that?
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Well-known member
Mar 31, 2010

One thing for sure, I would never consider pickups from either company. :troll

Fun train wreck and meltdown though. :salude


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2009
If you are not Virgil I am relatively certain he would not like the publicity you are giving him. Food for thought...


If you are not Virgil I am relatively certain he would not like the publicity you are giving him. Food for thought...

Guy can you not understand or even read?
i am a customer, that’s all.
the issue truly is not about VA, stephens, or tom holms, its about slander, lies, and fake lawyer talk.
and I am for sure not shill or salesmen.......Cleary...

you can also pound sand bud.
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