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Hey it's Mat from Gibson Product Development - AMA

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Subliminal lanimilbuS

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2023
curious @matkoehler ‘s thoughts on this ML ULA Dec’23 R7:
Is this your guitar? If it is was the guitar subject to any major temperature or humidity changes? Gibson has mentioned in many videos and quotes I have seen as to their new finishes requiring care for this. I haven't seen any new guitars myself to know if this information is supplied with documentation. It might be something, also, that they will improve with time.

Subliminal lanimilbuS

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2023
I have been researching these new finishes a lot as of late. I do feel from opinions and sound clips I have heard that these heavily checked guitars do offer a sonic improvement. At the same time, from a feel and look standing point, I would not want pieces of my guitar to be falling off or separating from the body that much. Maybe Gibson needs to go back to a formula that is half the old and half the new that they lightly pre-score to check where they want it to. This way they could get the checking design they want and, as well, not have this kind of thing happening. If you want to play your guitar out it is inevitable that it is going to incur temperature variations. Even during shipping this is bound to happen.
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Active member
Apr 29, 2015
Is this your guitar? If it is was the guitar subject to any major temperature or humidity changes? Gibson has mentioned in many videos and quotes I have seen as to their new finishes requiring care for this. I haven't seen any new guitars myself to know if this information is supplied with documentation. It might be something, also, that they will improve with time.
Just got it last week. Returned it.

I also have a mid ‘23 R9 ML ULA and it just has some light checking with zero issues. Finish feels like glass.


Active member
Apr 28, 2005
Hi Mat,
Where can one purchase genuine Gibson Historic parts that are being used on the latest 2023 Historic line, specifically Tuners, Stop Tail and ABR Bridge? Thanks in advance


New member
Aug 9, 2023
Hi Mat,
Where can one purchase genuine Gibson Historic parts that are being used on the latest 2023 Historic line, specifically Tuners, Stop Tail and ABR Bridge? Thanks in advance
I would also like to know!

I am looking for Gibson nylon saddles like those on the ‘68 Goldtop LP.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
Hi Mat,
Where can one purchase genuine Gibson Historic parts that are being used on the latest 2023 Historic line, specifically Tuners, Stop Tail and ABR Bridge? Thanks in advance
Still recovering from pandemic-initiated supply chain hand-to-mouth stuff, so aftermarket Historic parts line was delayed as a result. You will see them later this year.


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014


Active member
Apr 29, 2015
My thoughts are that this is not the intended look, but I don't have enough context otherwise. I definitely do not think a newly purchased ML guitar should have finish flaking off of it, if that is the case.
Thanks for the reply. The dealer took it back. That was the only area of the guitar that looks like that. It is back up for sale on their website.



New member
Feb 10, 2020
I'm not sure if all or some of that run was Tom, but your eyes do not deceive you...that's definitely the TM. Some of these runs were aged entirely by Tom and others were team aged, Tom being one of the team members. It is also possible that Tom would start one and others would finish it. Hope that helps!
Hi, Matt! I’m really enjoying this post and reading a little bit each day.
I own a #13 with the TM initials. If the guitar as TM initials, does it means Tom did the entire relic job? Only relic or also painting?
And last one: there’s a theory about the back against of 2013 CC’s done with a sequence machine and not by hand. Any info about that? In case that’s correct info, what’s a the period of that in the 2013 year?


Active member
May 31, 2019
Hi Mat,

Can you help resolve a debate. I think this is a question you’ve already addressed here, but I can’t seem to find the reply anywhere.

I understand that Murphy Lab has their own finish formula. However, what about Gibson USA vs Gibson Custom. I understand they have different dyes and different finish thickness. However, is the nitro formula the same?

I swear you’ve answered yes before, but I’m looking up and down this thread and can’t seem to find it. I’m also looking at different factory tours because I thought I saw at some point someone corroborate that. Am I misremembering and just making this all up?


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
Hi Mat,

Can you help resolve a debate. I think this is a question you’ve already addressed here, but I can’t seem to find the reply anywhere.

I understand that Murphy Lab has their own finish formula. However, what about Gibson USA vs Gibson Custom. I understand they have different dyes and different finish thickness. However, is the nitro formula the same?

I swear you’ve answered yes before, but I’m looking up and down this thread and can’t seem to find it. I’m also looking at different factory tours because I thought I saw at some point someone corroborate that. Am I misremembering and just making this all up?
In terms of formula, we have requirements and specs and standards for that, which have to be accommodated by suppliers. Effective supply chain management means using different vendors, sometimes simultaneously, so the vendors may change but in theory the finish spec should remain the same.


Active member
May 31, 2019
I was wondering, did the neck on regular VOS R9s change between ~2018-19 and now? Did they fatten up ever so slightly?

I was talking with someone who claimed that Murphy Lab R9 necks were on average slightly slimmer. When I went to check one retailer that publish neck depth dimension, I did find that their stock of Murphy Lab R9s were slightly slimmer than regular VOS R9s.
The Murphy Lab ones were similar to my 2019 60th Anniversary R9.

It could very well be luck of the draw and I haven’t actually done a statistical analysis like I did back in 2019-20 ish comparing necks on R9, USA Standard 50s and 1964 ES-335 reissues. For some reason people make wild unfounded statements about Gibson, so I thought I’d ask. I was always under the impression that Murphy Lab and regular VOS were only different in terms of finish and some finishing touches, like fretboard edges. Did anything change?


Well-known member
Sep 12, 2014
I was wondering, did the neck on regular VOS R9s change between ~2018-19 and now? Did they fatten up ever so slightly?

I was talking with someone who claimed that Murphy Lab R9 necks were on average slightly slimmer. When I went to check one retailer that publish neck depth dimension, I did find that their stock of Murphy Lab R9s were slightly slimmer than regular VOS R9s.
The Murphy Lab ones were similar to my 2019 60th Anniversary R9.

It could very well be luck of the draw and I haven’t actually done a statistical analysis like I did back in 2019-20 ish comparing necks on R9, USA Standard 50s and 1964 ES-335 reissues. For some reason people make wild unfounded statements about Gibson, so I thought I’d ask. I was always under the impression that Murphy Lab and regular VOS were only different in terms of finish and some finishing touches, like fretboard edges. Did anything change?
They did not. Same neck profiles 2018-today. For the 2019 model year, it was important that we used more realistic profiles for year reissue year, taken from scans.

What you're mentioning about Murphy Lab neck profiles being different is somewhat true though, they ALL (regardless of model) receive extra binding roll along the neck at the end of process. "Extra Binding Roll" is part of the ML spec and, to me, the biggest advantage of buying a ML instrument...they feel like a broken-in baseball mitt thanks to thatl. We roll the binding of all CS guitars, but the "extra" comes from the possibility of breaking the lacquer line on the binding...it's not something we would want to do on a non-aged guitar. But on an aged guitar, all bets are off if that makes sense.
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