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Replacement NAMM '67 Flying V has arrived... not good news


Well-known member
Mar 24, 2005
I've been watching this thread and I can't believe that anyone would call you picky. The chunk out of the fretboard, while not huge, should be unacceptable to any QC person on a cheap guitar, much less one of this level.
And implying there's no difference in the color? Someone ought to get their eyes tested.
Glad to hear Max Guitar is going to try to make it right for you - hoping a bunch of people will go over the newest one with a fine-tooth comb for you.


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
I've been watching this thread and I can't believe that anyone would call you picky. The chunk out of the fretboard, while not huge, should be unacceptable to any QC person on a cheap guitar, much less one of this level.
And implying there's no difference in the color? Someone ought to get their eyes tested.
Glad to hear Max Guitar is going to try to make it right for you - hoping a bunch of people will go over the newest one with a fine-tooth comb for you.

That's pretty much exactly how I feel about the fretboard issue. No.. it's not going to affect playability but just kind of shocking and not really acceptable on a guitar at this price point. Like I mentioned to Gibson, I've probably played hundreds of guitars and I can't remember seeing anything like that by the nut on any guitar. Even my $700 Gretsch has a perfectly cut rosewood fretboard. If the color was perfect and that was the only issue, I would probably fill it in and take it for what it is.

Unfortunately... Gibson has not responded yet to Max Guitar's offer to order another M2M guitar. I think the owner is trying his best to get them to the table but it may not happen. I'm hoping I get some good news next week.


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
Good news! The order just got approved for another Verdoro Green Flying V. Max Guitar specified that they match the color exactly and that there are no issues with the fretboard. I have to give this store major credit as I know it was not easy to get Gibson to do this again. It took several weeks.

Of course, I will be posting pictures and an update once the new guitar arrives.

El Gringo

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2015
Good news! The order just got approved for another Verdoro Green Flying V. Max Guitar specified that they match the color exactly and that there are no issues with the fretboard. I have to give this store major credit as I know it was not easy to get Gibson to do this again. It took several weeks.

Of course, I will be posting pictures and an update once the new guitar arrives.
Most awesome news and i am very happy for you to get a positive resolution


Active member
Mar 17, 2016
the top metallic pea Griswold Green is the shizit :salude

I'd like to say that's a good happy ending (no such thing as a bad happy ending?), but the fat lady can't sing until you actually get an acceptable replacement.


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
I'd like to say that's a good happy ending (no such thing as a bad happy ending?), but the fat lady can't sing until you actually get an acceptable replacement.

You are not wrong. At this point though, I'll be keeping whatever they send me so think positive thoughts! The owner did implicitly specify in this new order that the color be exact and the fretboard free of any bad cuts, splintering, holes etc. They've been sent all the pictures as well so I think the likelihood of this being a better guitar than the other two is pretty high.


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
Nah... still waiting on the guitar. But I'm sure things get real busy towards the end of the year and it doesn't help that there's a deadly virus going around. I have a feeling it'll be soon though.


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
So... there's been a pretty concerning development. I haven't heard anything about this guitar so I followed up with Max Guitar to see if they heard anything. He reached out to Gibson at the beginning of the week and they have not provided any response whatsoever. It is looking as though this 3rd guitar was never being built. Mind you, I was forwarded the email from the Gibson rep where they agreed to build a new M2M guitar. Otherwise, I would have never returned the guitar. It's as if they just wanted the guitars back and are leaving it up to Max Guitar to refund me. I called Gibson up a couple of days ago and they couldn't even tell me if a new guitar was being built. The rep just said they would get in touch with the rep who was dealing with it and they would reach back out to me. They have not.

Now.. I am no legal expert, but this strikes me as unlawful, to put it lightly. They are required under contract to repair or replace a guitar that has defects. I did not return the guitar for a refund. I returned it for a new guitar, which is clearly stated in the emails. Hurting their feelings isn't an excuse to not fulfill their warranty. As you can imagine, I am extremely angry about this (which is why I'm up posting this at 3 am.) If I can't get a clear answer from them, I will contact the attorney general and file a complaint. They basically stole my guitar. I made it very clear that I wanted to keep one of the guitars if they weren't willing to build a 3rd.

This is how they treat the small guy. And it's not something I'm going to forget when I'm no longer the small guy.

Tommy Tourbus

Active member
Jan 1, 2005
It's a little soon to be losing your sh*t over this imo. Were you expecting they'd rush your order to the front of the que? I wouldn't expect to receive this guitar in under 1.5 years to be honest.


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
Tommy, that is not remotely the case... In fact, I told them I didn't care how long it took. The concern is that I returned the guitar and there is no intention of building a 3rd guitar at all. So my guitar is just gone. Gibson will not provide neither me or Max Guitar any kind of confirmation wether there is a plan to build it. I would say that's pretty serious, would you not?
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El Gringo

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2015
Tommy, that is not remotely the case... In fact, I told them I didn't care how long it took. The concern is that I returned the guitar and there is no intention of building a 3rd guitar at all. So my guitar is just gone. Gibson will not provide neither me or Max Guitar any kind of confirmation wether there is a plan to build it. I would say that's pretty serious, would you not?
Greetings , The way I am reading the tea leaves makes me think now that this issue will be between you and Max Guitars as they are the shop who took your money and are the agent dealing with Gibson Custom . At this point I would be asking for a refund and that's where it can get weird if the Shop then says to you that you will get store credit to take another instrument that they have in stock versus the refund . Factor in COVID-19 and things have become complicated as it's not the normal playing field we are used to dealing with . I am sorry that you are getting hassled like this because this sucks and I can imagine myself in the same situation and I would be having major grief over this as well . Please continue to keep us informed and best wishes !
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Tommy Tourbus

Active member
Jan 1, 2005
Tommy, that is not remotely the case... In fact, I told them I didn't care how long it took. The concern is that I returned the guitar and there is no intention of building a 3rd guitar at all. So my guitar is just gone. Gibson will not provide neither me or Max Guitar any kind of confirmation wether there is a plan to build it. I would say that's pretty serious, would you not?
I don't understand what you're saying. You said earlier that you contacted them to ask for an update after what, two months or something like that? I'm saying special orders take a hell of a long time with any company. I wouldn't expect jack at the two month mark. Settle in and get comfortable with a wait, it will be awhile. BTW the guy above is right, you need to bug the dealer not Gibson. It's not surprising Gibson's not giving you answers directly


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
Thanks El Gringo. I think what you're suggesting is Gibson's plan. They are trying to force a refund. The problem is, we have the emails where I was instructed to return the guitar so a 3rd guitar would be built. If they refuse to build another guitar and won't let me have the guitar back, they are breaking the law. You can't come to an agreement in writing with a customer, have them return their guitar, and keep it. That would be stealing. And I will escalate this in every avenue possible. It's a horrible way to spend your time and energy but this is egregious and deserves to be confronted.


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
Hi Tommy. Sorry, just saw your post after my last response. The dealer has been handling all communications. We're not looking for an update on the build. The dealer is trying to simply confirm that they intend on eventually building a guitar. The issue is I returned the guitar 2 months ago and they never confirmed that they received it so the new order could be placed. I was suspicious that they simply took the guitar with no intentions of building another one and my suspicions are proving to be correct. They will not provide the store with any clear response. I don't care if the guitar takes 24 months to built. I acknowledged this was occurring during a busy holiday season in the midst of a pandemic. I'm not some entitled jerk expecting a guitar in 2 months. But I do expect a clear response as to wether they intend to build one or not.

El Gringo

Well-known member
Apr 8, 2015
Hi Tommy. Sorry, just saw your post after my last response. The dealer has been handling all communications. We're not looking for an update on the build. The dealer is trying to simply confirm that they intend on eventually building a guitar. The issue is I returned the guitar 2 months ago and they never confirmed that they received it so the new order could be placed. I was suspicious that they simply took the guitar with no intentions of building another one and my suspicions are proving to be correct. They will not provide the store with any clear response. I don't care if the guitar takes 24 months to built. I acknowledged this was occurring during a busy holiday season in the midst of a pandemic. I'm not some entitled jerk expecting a guitar in 2 months. But I do expect a clear response as to wether they intend to build one or not.
Greetings , My focus and energy would be directed at the dealer and who knows maybe the dealer knows more than he is letting on to . Look at it this way the dealer arranged with Gibson Custom to send the guitar back to Gibson Custom , so in essence the dealer knows of some type of plan and maybe he is trying to let you down easy as in letting some time pass to lessen the sting as in time heal all wounds . I am not trying to imply that this is okay as to what has happened as it sucks mightily , but with the pandemic Gibson Custom is chugging along processing orders they have on the books and in process . I disagree with your stance of letting them off the hook for 24 months as they surely will have forgotten about you in that length of time . I do know a little of how they work -both Gibson Custom and dealers . This is the cold splash of water as they have your money and they have tried to rectify it which has not been satisfactory and they are moving on with other orders as in probably large orders and that's where exactly I would put the HEAT ON Max Guitars to get this resolved and at this point probably push for a full REFUND from Max Guitars . Suing Gibson will not get the desired results of producing the instrument in question . As Gibson is a corporate behemoth with an army of lawyers that will drag it out and delay it in order for you to rack up legal fees until you copulate and throw your hands up and surrender . It sucks mightily and I feel your pain , but at this late stage in the game options are running out . If I were you I would push for a full refund and put this mess behind me and move on . I Am sorry if I have come across harsh as that surely is not my intention .


Active member
Oct 26, 2019
Greetings , My focus and energy would be directed at the dealer and who knows maybe the dealer knows more than he is letting on to . Look at it this way the dealer arranged with Gibson Custom to send the guitar back to Gibson Custom , so in essence the dealer knows of some type of plan and maybe he is trying to let you down easy as in letting some time pass to lessen the sting as in time heal all wounds . I am not trying to imply that this is okay as to what has happened as it sucks mightily , but with the pandemic Gibson Custom is chugging along processing orders they have on the books and in process . I disagree with your stance of letting them off the hook for 24 months as they surely will have forgotten about you in that length of time . I do know a little of how they work -both Gibson Custom and dealers . This is the cold splash of water as they have your money and they have tried to rectify it which has not been satisfactory and they are moving on with other orders as in probably large orders and that's where exactly I would put the HEAT ON Max Guitars to get this resolved and at this point probably push for a full REFUND from Max Guitars . Suing Gibson will not get the desired results of producing the instrument in question . As Gibson is a corporate behemoth with an army of lawyers that will drag it out and delay it in order for you to rack up legal fees until you copulate and throw your hands up and surrender . It sucks mightily and I feel your pain , but at this late stage in the game options are running out . If I were you I would push for a full refund and put this mess behind me and move on . I Am sorry if I have come across harsh as that surely is not my intention .
Hey El Gringo, no apologies necessary. I'm fairly certain the dealer doesn't know anything that I don't. He was under the impression they were building a 3rd guitar and he was planning on purchasing the 2 original guitars for his store. Gibson is wanting to know now if they gave me a refund. I would rather they not build another guitar at this point and just want my guitar back. No one can instruct you to send your guitar in for a replacement and then keep it. As big as Gibson is, it's irrelevant. Maybe it was just a miscommunication but it's very serious. You can't return a car to a dealership to fix a bad transmission, and then the dealership decides to keep the car and forces you to take cash. That's not an option at their disposal. Like I said, I hope this has just been a bad miscommunication and I can have one of the original guitars returned to me and be over with it. That way, Gibson doesn't have to deal with building me another guitar, I still get close to what I originally wanted, and Max Guitar gets to have a guitar as well.


Active member
Mar 5, 2004
Hey El Gringo, no apologies necessary. I'm fairly certain the dealer doesn't know anything that I don't. He was under the impression they were building a 3rd guitar and he was planning on purchasing the 2 original guitars for his store. Gibson is wanting to know now if they gave me a refund. I would rather they not build another guitar at this point and just want my guitar back. No one can instruct you to send your guitar in for a replacement and then keep it. As big as Gibson is, it's irrelevant. Maybe it was just a miscommunication but it's very serious. You can't return a car to a dealership to fix a bad transmission, and then the dealership decides to keep the car and forces you to take cash. That's not an option at their disposal. Like I said, I hope this has just been a bad miscommunication and I can have one of the original guitars returned to me and be over with it. That way, Gibson doesn't have to deal with building me another guitar, I still get close to what I originally wanted, and Max Guitar gets to have a guitar as well.
Have you confirmed that the dealer returned both guitars to Gibson? If so, they would have definitely received either confirmation for a replacement (at some future time) or a refund. It would not be an unknown status. At worst there may not yet be a confirmed ship date. But there should be one of the above.

The return of guitars would have required some form of RMA (return material authorization). That can be confirmed by the dealer.

As others have stated. Gibson would not respond directly to you as the warranty claim was handled by the dealer.

I would confine with the dealer. An in person discussion is best as it usually leads to the quickest results and the actual facts.

Good luck.